Ел и Ем Транс ООД  itemprop=

El and Em Trans LTD

The main activity of El and Em Trans LTD is connected with international freights.
The company has 15 own lorries and accomplishes coplete and groupage freights with destination Bulgaria - Europe - Bulgaria, as well as in the country. The trucks\\\' cargo spaces measure 13.60/2.48/2.80-3.00 meters and they all have a CMR insurance. The company works successfully with customers from the country, as well as with approved international forwarding companies. We have a feputation of a loyal and precise partner and we offer: - competitive prices for the accomplished transport services; - reliable lorries; - daily information about the lorries\\\' course; - quick and qualitative transport services; - professional attendance.

El and Em Trans LTD - industry:
