ДИЕВ И ТОНКОВА  itemprop=

Law Firm

Our main professional goal is to provide customers with high quality and legal assistance based on excellent knowledge, practical and intelligent approach. The basic principle of the law firm is a full confidentiality of information received regarding the interests of the customers.
Law Firm "ROSEN DIEV and MAYA TONKOVA" provides comprehensive legal services and representation for Bulgarian and foreign citizens - individuals and legal entities, mainly in civil, commercial, family, administrative, tax, maritime and pharmaceutical law. Our main professional goal is to provide customers with high quality and legal assistance based on excellent knowledge, practical and intelligent approach. The basic principle of the law firm is a full confidentiality of information received regarding the interests of the customers. The company offers a one-off and subscription legal services to individuals and legal entities, legal protection and assistance, written or oral advice and counseling, participation in negotiations and drafting contracts, opinions and analyzes.

Law Firm - industry:

Legal services, notary, offshore,