The prices apply for translations from Bulgarian to a foreign language or from a foreign language to Bulgarian. The price for a translation from one foreign language to another is acquired by adding the cost of the translation from the initial language to Bulgarian and the cost of the translation from Bulgarian to the desired other foreign language.
The service includes a translation by a certified translator, verification of factual data and a printed copy of the text within 24 hours for documents up to 5 pages. For Fast or Express translations the price is increased by 50% and 100% respectively.
The Agency has discounts for regular customers or large translations!
The price for interpretation is determined by language, type and duration of the engagement.
In order to prepare a specific price offer for your documentation, please send a request to:
Or give us a call: 0/884 604 956
*The prices are subject to negotiations depending on the complexity of the text.
We work with clients from Bulgaria and abroad and we do our best to ensure fast, easy to follow ways for ordering and payment.
Translation Agency “Des Pol” offers quality translations from and to:
You may also acquire competent information about the necessary documentation for your particular needs. To foreign citizens we offer consultation and assistance with tender documentation, company registration and establishment in Bulgaria: Sole Proprietorship (ЕТ), Joint-stock Company (АД), Private Limited Company (ООД), State-owned Company (ЕООД). We can help with the process of purchasing or renting real estate, as well as with the search for tourist destinations for your and your family’s holiday in Bulgaria.