Auto Frost Comfort

The company was founded in 1998 year, main activity of it is: repair of air conditioning, refrigeration and air conditioning equipment.The company develops its activities in professional services, equipped for full service, prevention and maintenance of a
www.autoklimashop.com www.akumulator.bg www.vtoraupotrebaclima.com www.avtoklimatici.bg The company was founded in 1998 year, main activity of it is: repair of air conditioning, refrigeration and air conditioning equipment.The company develops its activities in professional services, equipped for full service, prevention and maintenance of automobile air conditioners. We already offer sales, queries and express delivery in the whole country of spare parts, instruments, preparations and accessories for air conditioning equipment from reputable manufacturers. In February 2010 open the second fully equipped service of the company in Sofia, located on the corner of the streets: “A.Stamboliiski” and “Vardar”. Company activity and services Repair, service and prevention of a/c conditioning Repair and maintenance of refrigerated trucks, vans and buses UV tests for deficiencies in the air conditioner system Computer diagnostics and debugging of all kind vehicle Sale of spare parts for a/c conditioning (new and second hand) Manufacture of hoses for low and high pressure Computer diagnostics Ferrous welds Special services Why us? The automobile air conditioners need to be regularly serviced to ensure its effective operation. It is a fact, which is often omitted and many of the systems are checking only, when is available some problem. Ideally, the a/c conditioning has to be served every year. As with the other car systems, regular checks ensure detection and diagnosis of irregularities, before they cause serious problems.