Одиторска компания Верси и Партньори ООД  itemprop=

Oditorska kompania Versi i Partniori OOD

AUDITING COMPANY VERSI & PARTNERS LTD (hereafter VERSI) is established in 1997. VERSI is a specialized auditing company under the Law on Independent Financial Audit.
AUDITING COMPANY VERSI & PARTNERS LTD (hereafter VERSI) is established in 1997. VERSI is a specialized auditing company under the Law on Independent Financial Audit. VERSI exercises the following activities: - Independent financial audit of annual financial reports under the Law on Independent Financial Audit - Preparation of annual financial reports under the Accounting Act - Current accounting - Holding training courses and seminars on international standards of accounting and audit - Training for auditors - Training of assistant auditors - International Public Sector Accounting Standards consultations - Financial and tax consultations - Representation before Bulgarian and foreign organizations VERSI's partners are: - Margarita Radeva - CPA, registered auditor, certificate 0134/ 1992 - Emilia Gurova - CPA, registered auditor, certificate 0590/ 2002 VERSI's managers are: - Margarita Radeva - CPA, registered auditor - Stojanka Ivanova - CPA, registered auditor - Emilia Gurova - CPA, registered auditor

Oditorska kompania Versi i Partniori OOD - industry:

Services, Accounting, accounting services, audit,