The activity of the Company contains of design, construction and production of furniture. The Company produces and works out over 100 kinds of commodities for a complex furnishing of kitchens, corridor areas, bedrooms, children’s rooms, offices, trade fur
СКАТ – DESIGN STUDIO PC was registered in the Regional Court of Silistra and recorded in a Company File № 449/1991, dated15.02.1991 Volume 11, page 300, Lot 2194.The Company is represented by two Associates:- Eng. Slavyan Rusev Narlev- Eng. Veselin Stoyanov DantchevManager: Eng. Veselin Stoyanov Dantchev.The Company is a member of the Branch Chamber of Furniture and Word-processing Industry. Its production is focused on the mass users. The activity of the Company contains of design, construction and production of furniture. The Company produces and works out over 100 kinds of commodities for a complex furnishing of kitchens, corridor areas, bedrooms, children’s rooms, offices, trade furniture, etc. The innovative designs, considered with the preferences of the clients, are always a guarantee for comfort.The range of colours is extremely rich. The furniture is produced as per an individual design.Our mission is to provide design decisions that could satisfy the specific needs of each customer. In the process of execution of all of our activities, we aim to achieve the highest standards. The main priority for us is the responsible attitude to the client, to our partners and employees as we show maximum responsiveness to their needs.The service provided by the Company includes: consultation, design, production, delivery, fitting on the spot and guaranteed maintenance for the period of 12 months after the purchase of the goods. This type of complex service is one of the main reasons prompting the high customer’ interest in the work of our Company. These services correspond to prices, which are analogical to the ones of our competitors.Our antecedence is the complex servicing of the client. The Company implements the distribution of the furniture in its own as well as in foreign-owned trade bases in Varna city and Silistra town. PRODUCTION The production cycle is in compliance with the latest technological modernisms and is an integral process that contains of the following operations:- cutting out- edging- assembling- fitting- packing- glass fittingThe production organization is based on the principle of objective-specialized sections, which gives coordination and correct sequence of the production operations. PORTFOLIO KITCHENS LIVING ROOMS BEDROOMS KID ROOMS SOFT FURNITURE OFFICE FURNITURE COMMERCIAL FURNITURE Our advertisement is the satisfied customer!