Корал Спектър - СОФИЯ 2  itemprop=

Koral Spektyr - SOFIA 2

Sofia, kv. "Ovcha kupel" ul. "Buket" 38 (blizo do posolstvoto na Ukra

Ofices - Koral Spektyr - SOFIA 2

Корал Спектър - СОФИЯ 2

Koral Spektyr

Coral Spektar is founded in 1990 entirely with a private capital. The company started its existence in small rooms, but now it has its own modern base on the territory of 13 500 square meters and with production area of 3 500 square meters.
Asenovgrad, Izt. Industrialna Zona, ul. Polk. Drangov 8

0331/6 52 31; 0888 850 294

Корал Спектър - СОФИЯ 2

Koral Spektyr - PLOVDIV

Plovdiv, ul. "Br. Sveshtarovi" 9

032 265 824, 0894 380902

Корал Спектър - СОФИЯ 2

Koral Spektyr - SOFIA 1

Sofia, Bul. "Doktor G. M. Dimitrov" №34 (do Nac. sledstvena sluzhba- NS

02 8707 057, 0894 380901, 0894 380906