АЖД Агро ЕООД  itemprop=


"AJD-AGRO" LTD is a cereals production company. It cultivates farmland on the territory of Lovech District. We rent a total of 30 000 decars on the land of Letnica city, the villages of Krushuna, Gorsko Slivovo, Drenov, Doyrenci and Chavdartsi, all part of Lovech District. The main
Letnitsa, bul. Bylgaria № 19, et. 1, st. 105

"AJD-AGRO" LTD is a cereals production company. It cultivates farmland on the territory of Lovech District. We rent a total of 30 000 decars on the land of Letnica city, the villages of Krushuna, Gorsko Slivovo, Drenov, Doyrenci and Chavdartsi, all part of Lovech District. The main activity of the company is agricultural production- milling and feed wheat, coleseed, malting and feed barley, oats, oil-bearing sunflower, corn and coriander. We also cultivate permanent crops of cherries, peaches and prunes- total of 650 decars. Other activity of ours is livestock - we breed 200 sheep heads in our own farm, situated in Krushuna village "AJD-AGRO" LTD constantly strives to improve its own production by facilitating the working process with the usage of new agricultural machinery and attached farm equipment. The company disposes of its own sites and warehouses in Letnica city and Krushuna village, district of Lovech. For a contemporary and European production, we work with new American, French, German and Russian agricultural machinery and attached farm equipment. The company employs agronomists and other specialists. On yearly basis, the average employee number is around 50 peopleIn its line of work the company has established its own signature. This is achieved throughout the development of technical and technological know-how, the discovery of which improves the profitableness and quality of the agricultural production. We intend to increase the arable land in Lovech and Pleven region, to broaden the company's activities and to consolidate our own farmland in arrays that enable optimal and efficient agricultural production. The activity of "AJD-AGRO" LTD is expressed in the production and realization of cereals-bread and feed wheat, malting and feed barley, oats, oil sunflower, corn, canola and coriander; Fruit-growing- cherries, peaches and prunes; Livestock-sheep breeding. The crops production in Lovech region is carried out by number of small and large cooperatives and companies. "AJD-AGRO" LTD is a company with established reputation in the region, mainly due to the good quality of its products.As one of the top leaseholders in the region "AJD-AGRO" LTD has relatively high market share. The company has good relationships with traders and processors of grain oilseeds, which in turn determines the successful realization of the products manufactured by the company. The company disposes of agricultural machinery and equipment at the highest level for a modern, European and efficient production of some of the leading manufacturers in the world such as: CASE IH, CLAAS, SALFORD, AMAZONE, MONOSEM, HARDI, SULKY, JCB and others. In 2001 "AJD-AGRO" LTD purchases its first modern Renault Ares 725 tractor with attachments and DON 1500 harvester In 2004, throughout SAPARD program, the company buys two Renault Ares tractors and modern tractor attachments In 2005 the company implements a project by the National Agricultural Fund. The program is for a direct funding and delivery of new harvester CLAAS LEXION and two new tractors.In 2006 the company renewed its technical fleet by purchasing new French planters and fertilizer spreaders. In 2007 "AJD-AGRO" Ltd purchased a new 24-meter sprayer HARDI COMMANDER In 2007 "AJD-AGRO" LTD purchased new 24 - meter sprayer HARDI COMMANDER In 2008 "AJD-AGRO" Ltd bought: harvester CASE AF 9010, crawler tractors CASE QUADTRAC 535, tractor Pronar 5135, telescopic loader JCB agri plus 531-70, hopper trailer Gustrower GTU 25, seeders MONOSEM NG PLUS 3, disc harrow SALFORD model 870 and other inventory systems. All this equipment is purchased on the basis of a project under Measure 121 "Modernization of agricultural holdings" of the program for rural development for the period 2007-2013, supported by EAFRD. We have identified technical and technological points of agricultural production, which lead to the improvement of the product's quality and profitability, and which determine the company's personal signature in this line of work. The main activity of "AJD-AGRO" LTD crops production.The firm cultivates farmland of 30 000 decars on the land of Letnica city, the villages of Krushuna, Gorsko Slivovo, Drenov, Doyrenci and Chavdartsi, all part of Lovech District. The company has signed contracts with over 1800 lessors and landlords. The principal crops are: - wheat - oats - barley - sunflower - corn - canola - coriander The company executes the following agricultural services:- ploughing - disking - cultivating - sowing - harvesting - transport services - other agricultural services by preliminary agreement