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Accounting and consulting services, vocational training, company registration
Sofia, ul. Topli dol 4, vh. B, et. 1, ap. 20

NTELFORM Ltd. is skilled in providing book-keeping services – either remotely or in person – to produce the data you need. We can help you with the important financial management tasks that every company has to undertake – such as drawing up business plans, getting to grips with compliance, and dealing with payroll and VAT issues. Make the technology work for you We are also professional advisers for the widely-used MICROINVEST DELTA® financial and accounting software. So if you are thinking of computerising your book-keeping activities or are already using MICROINVEST DELTA® or a similar package, we can help you make the technology really work for you and your business. With well organised, transparent accounts, you will have the figures you need to see how well - or otherwise - your business is doing. So you can make your plans realistically and with confidence. And as an added bonus, with your company accounts shipshape and up-to-date, you should be able to save on accountancy bills. Business problems are as unique as the businesses that go through them. Our experience with many kinds of companies, large and small, start-ups and old-established firms, tells us that, when it comes to financial management, a ‘one size fits all’ approach simply doesn’t work. That is why we have developed a range of flexible solutions, designed to solve individual financial management problems, whether that means keeping on top of everyday book-keeping requirements, providing information on which to plan business growth or dealing with problem areas. We can also help you to help yourself, through our workshop-based training courses

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