Заваръчно монтажни услуги ЕООД  itemprop=

Welding and assembly services

"Welding and assembly services" Ltd е is specialized in welding and electrical services. The company has well equipped
"Welding and assembly services" Ltd е is specialized in welding and electrical services. The company has well equipped facilities in the town of Pleven for the manufacture of metal products and electrical equipment. We are able to fulfill the following plants: - Heating;- Ventilation;- Water supply;- Electric;- Gas pipelines;- Sprinklers / fire /. In our capabilities is the welding of all weldable ferrous and nonferrous metals.Our highly trained staff are able to produce welding procedures and technologies. The company has established an authorized training center for vocational training of personnel in 25 different majors - training of welders, assemblers, elektromontazhnitsi, motocarmen and others. "Заваръчно-монтажни услуги” ЕООД разполага със студия в следните хотели:3 студия в хотел Panorama Beach - Несебър. Във всяко студио има кухненски бокс, баня, телевизор с кабелна, хладилник, климатик.Подходящи за семейна и индивидуална почивка.2 студия в хотел Iceberg Боровец. В тях има телевизор с кабелна телевизия, телефон, достъп до интернет, минибар, както и баня с вана или душ кабина. zmu_bg@abv.bg