"KOOPTRADE" Corp. - Sofia is created in 1981 year. For doing its bussines activities it has large store base. We are specialised in wholesale and retail sale of industrial goods especially: - Household articles - enamel ware, porcelain, glass,

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English translation is in progress or not avaiable.

Iv METAL Ltd Iv Metal is focused on manufacturing and trading on craftsmanship - wrought iron, gates, mirrors, railings, shelves, ornaments, decorative grilles, outdoor patio furniture, fireplace tools, candle

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ITALMODALUCE – Bulgaria Ltd was registered in the beginning of 1992 as a branch of ITALMODALUCE SRL-ITALY. Since 2005 the company has been entirely Bulgarian. Modern offices,

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English translation is in progress or not avaiable.

Machines tools and materials for cutting and processing of: - marble and grenite stones - limestone and basalt - gres - mosaic - beton

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