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English translation is in progress or not avaiable.

Stara Zagora
English translation is in progress or not avaiable.

English translation is in progress or not avaiable.

English translation is in progress or not avaiable.

Cold storage “EUROFRIO” is situated in “North Industrial Zone” of Plovdiv City, with total area of 50 000 m2. It was officially open for operations in June 2001. Cutting edge technologies that were used and the rate of investment

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English translation is in progress or not avaiable.

Фирма "Пластика - 85 Ненко Радев" с търговска марка КАНАРЧЕ се занимава с производство и търговия на плодови и зеленчукови консерви. Производственият цех и складова база, построени и работещи по европейските изисквания и стандарти.

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