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"FONDRIMA&CO" SLTD "FONDRIMA&CO" SLtd is a Bulgarian manufacturer of aluminium alloys. The company has twenty years of experience producing aluminium alloys both for Bulgarian market and abroad.

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English translation is in progress or not avaiable.

The commercial and productions operations are being staged in two poised bases - trade direct sale center, trade sale center in bulk, and yard located in territory to industrial zone in the city of Yambol. In two storage rooms bases are maintained around 400 types of black and colors

METALGROUP ELIT Ltd. works on the market of ferrous metals /carbon, high-alloy and low-alloy steels and their alloys/ in Republic of Bulgaria. Our firm is created in February 1997 and since then is continuously developing and aiming to broaden its market

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English translation is in progress or not avaiable.

English translation is in progress or not avaiable.


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