‘Metalstyle’ Ltd. produces and installs unusual metal products, decorative coverings and constructions .Its products are unique, manufactured from ferrous, non-ferrous and unoxidizable metal according to the client’s project. The company has the capacity to produce standardized metal

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„Realize” LTDwas founded in early 2007 and quickly established itself on the market as a reliable partner, which follows a policy of quality in terms of products and solutions, servicing and contacts with participants in the construction process.

Sidis 67 Ltd е was registered in 2007, as a successor to the created in 1994 ST Sidis – Ivaylo Stefanov. With our 15 year experience in the manufacturing of metal tools,we fulfill all of our clients' wishes. We have a very well equipped production base and own transport.

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Producer of drainage systems, gratings and staves, iron fences and elements, garden furniture and accessories, materials for education.

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