We are official distributors of some of the world's largest factories for stainless steel and non-ferrous metals in Europe and worldwide.Over the years the company approved itself as a reliable partner in the market. Eurometal Bulgaria LTD has a stock

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Stara Zagora
and soldering. търговия с метални изделия, електроди, карбофлекс и др. Zheleznik - M "Ltd. was established in 1999 with headquarters in Stara Zagora town, Bulgaria. The company is the successor of ET 'Streletz - 90 K.Mihaylov " which operates on the national market since 1992.

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Stara Zagora
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ЕМС ГРУП ЕМС ГРУП е от водещите фирми в бранша и е с дългогодишен опит в търговията на едро със строителни материали, сухи строителни с

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English translation is in progress or not avaiable.

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