The Veleganov Company - Plovdiv is established in 1872 by the two brothers Lazar and Ivan Veleganov. The functioning of the company concurs with the pre-liberation period of Bulgaria from the Ottoman rule when the Veleganov brothers take an active part in

ЕТ ”Мавро - Христо Мавродиев” работи на българския пазар от 1997 г. Предмет на дейност на фирмата е внос и търговия на канцелар

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The company “Vek” (Century) was established on 13.03.1992 and it is specialized in the production of hotel supplies. The company is the first one to introduce the concept of “hotel supplies” and during the past 18 years it successfully established

Multitex Composites is a company,focused on the distribution of composit materials and their implementation in the modern production processes.Inovation is a key for us,so we aim to be one of the best in the composite indusry.We have one clear task-to integrate the high tech composite

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