Kintrade Ltd was found in 1996 and since then the company import polyethylene from Arpechim, HIP, Chemopetrol, TVK. Since 1998 the company offer to the Bulgarian market polyethylene foam foils. In 2004 was built the new factory of

ЕТ ”Мавро - Христо Мавродиев” работи на българския пазар от 1997 г. Предмет на дейност на фирмата е внос и търговия на канцелар

The company “Vek” (Century) was established on 13.03.1992 and it is specialized in the production of hotel supplies. The company is the first one to introduce the concept of “hotel supplies” and during the past 18 years it successfully established

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Techno Press Ltd is company which is specialized on paper bags production. We offer you complete solutions in this sphere. We produce classic, refined and non standard advertisement paper bags, unique with their shape and size. Our aim is to satisfy your requirements, starving to response

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