Diakom 7 Ltd. Varna, performs quality services and on time within the country, such as design, construction and installation of steel structures, roofing metal structures, metal fences, metal tanks, construction of halls of polyurethane metal sandwiches. Also design and construction of

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"Shiptechnics LTD" is the official representative for Bulgaria of Raymarine - a world leader in the manufacture of marine navigational equipment.

Scope of activity: The main scope of activity of the Company is the production of spare parts, units and parts for different machines and equipment. - Licensed producer of components for the brake system of the rolling railway

Dredging "Istar" PLC – Svishtov, Bulgaria is a public limited company performing the following operations: Extraction and processing of inert materials - microsilicates, sand and ballast Ship repair Servicing unmanned ships with replaceable crews and doing maneuvers on

MORGAN LTD is a private company established in the beginning of 1996 in Varna, Bulgaria, with main activity in the field of ship equipment and spare parts for the marine market. The company represents the products of a number of

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Ukraine, Kiev
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Ships, spare parts, equipment

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