Stara Zagora
and soldering. търговия с метални изделия, електроди, карбофлекс и др.
Zheleznik - M "Ltd. was established in 1999 with headquarters in Stara Zagora town, Bulgaria. The company is the successor of ET 'Streletz - 90 K.Mihaylov " which operates on the national market since 1992.
Stara Zagora
Preskov AD is one of the oldest and biggest manufacturer of hot forged parts in Bulgaria, founded in 1900.
The company
Stara Zagora
KOLEKTORMONTAG ENERGY LTD carries out production and services in the area of energy, gasification, oil industry, heating services, food and chemical industries.
Stara Zagora
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Stara Zagora
Manufacture of gear wheels, gears, key grooves, worm wheels, chain wheels, toothed bars, gear block, cam-gears and more. Datiz Ltd was founded in 1991, with manager Penio Penev. Thanks to our team of trained professionals and the the professional skills they posess, we have built a solid
Stara Zagora
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Stara Zagora
The company Novotechprom – Stefan Shosselov , Stara Zagora, was founded in 1989 as a trade company. Initially, it imported oil-pumps, spare parts for these and refrigerating engineering. After 1996 the company directed its activities to retail
Stara Zagora
English translation is in progress or not avaiable.
Stara Zagora
English translation is in progress or not avaiable.
Stara Zagora
English translation is in progress or not avaiable.