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English translation is in progress or not avaiable.

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GEOTON is established in 1989 year. The firm is one of the most popular producer of concrete products on the Bulgarian Black sea coast.Our factory is located on 24 000 m2 and there are 4 production storages, tracks, machines and all needed equipment for s

The company ofINTERNATIONAL ALM & PVC CENTER OOD which is set up at 2008,wasforprove the needs of business concerns which are in building sector and also for to improve economy.With the main storage and outlet which is located in SOFIA, we can contact

КМ-ГРУП България ООД е с предмет на дейност - внос, търговия и монтаж на интериорни, блиндирани и гаражни врати .

Frigo-Max Ltd. has established itself as one of the most popular partners in the field of extraction and trade with rock tilling materials. We have gneiss deposits in East Rodopi in the Ivailovgrad region that cover an area of 450 decares. We have focused

Import - export of wood. WATERPROOF PLYWOOD, Veneer OSB, hardboard - varnish, sheet for door - veneer, plywood -poplar / beech. EXOTIC WOOD-ABANOS, TIK and other. The firm offers waterproof shperplat, European quality with TUV ertificate with widths from

“IAK” LTD Ivaylovgrad is founded by Ianko Georgiev Kondakchiev, who deals with the extraction, processing, transport and sale of gneiss stone since 1995. The company has traditions in the field of extraction and processing of rock lining materials - gneis

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