f you need to compute Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) in .NET you can choose among many libraries. In order to use them properly, however, you should have a strong background in mathematics. Many developers, for example, have a hard time to decide how to scale the output of the FFT routine(s) for to obtain the correct amplitude spectrum, or how to extract the corresponding frequencies. Similar problems occur if one wants to compute the IFFT or tries to code some kind of frequency domain filter. As C# and VB developers with many years of experience in the industry we have seen how such difficulties can consume many hours of working time. Wouldn't it be much easier if you could pass to the FFT-function an array of doubles containing the sampled time domain signal as a parameter and get the resulting FFT in just one line of code? And all the amplitudes come out correctly scaled? Well search no more! MathToolBox for .NET is here to help you. It is VERY well documented. Has example code in C# and soon in VB.NET. Is free to download. Has no royalty fees for the resulting code distribution. Oh wait a minute there is more? - it comes packed with inverse FFT? which is just as easy to use? Keep on reading you'll see! You don't by any chance included two dimensional FFT - which is also easy to call? Of course we did and even we included inverse 2 dimensional FFT! OH Cool! tell me where to try it!

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