София, ул.Кирил и Методий 64

We are a global company, providing various information analyses, editorial and data management services for information agencies, media outlets and institutions worldwide. We are a pioneer in the development of the business process outsourcing and knowledge process outsourcing services sectors in Eastern Europe with 300+ employees, working in over 35 languages. We provide nearly 200 separate products and services which can be easily combined and seamlessly tailored to meet the content management needs or the information and intelligence requirements of any customer. We are present in a series of market segments in the content industry such as risk & compliance services, screening services and media analytics services, source processing and source licensing, to name a few. Driven by customer demand and counting on extensive expertise, multilingual teams and available technologies, we witness double-digit growth in almost each of the segments. The company also managed to successfully propose and conduct a number of projects, funded under local and international grant programmes, focused mainly on the development of its IT infrastructure and technologies, including a state-of-art content management system, which allows seamless re-linking and reuse of produced and indexed content to form new products and services as deemed necessary. The company also heavily expanded its IT team of developers to support its daily operations and to provide specific development services for its existing and new partners as needed. A Data Pro is the only Bulgarian member of the Content Division of SIIA - the Software & Information Industry Association With our reputation measurement product Perceptica we are also a member of the International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication (AMEC) - the global trade body and professional institute for agencies and practitioners who provide media evaluation and communication research. Most recently we acted as co-founder of the Bulgarian Outsourcing Association and also lead the development and funding of a local outsourcing cluster to help improve the sustainable development of the industry and enact government support for its international reputation building.


Информационни Услуги,


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Уважаеми клиенти когато публикувате мнение Ви молим да запазите добрия тон на общуване и да се придържате и излагате фактите които касаят и описват конкретния случай. Всякакви коментари и обидни квалификации по адрес на хората или фирмите за които пишете и са в разрез с добрия тон на общуване ще бъдат премахвани.

Коментарите може да бъдат изтрити от модераторите, ако съдържат обидни или нецензурни квалификации, обиди на расова, сексуална, етническа или верска основа или призиви към насилие по адрес на конкретни лица.

ПРАВО НА ОТГОВОР - На всяка фирма, към която се отнася конкретният коментар или мнение, се дава правото на отговор.