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In September 2006 the company Equflow bv has become a part of the Alpha Management Group and moved with their facilities to near Nijmegen, where development and production of high grade PFA Turbine Flow meters take place.
The Equflow Teflon ® Flow meters provide flow measurement capabilities in a wide variety of OEM and enduser flow applications.
Standard Flow meter
PFA/Teflon® Turbine Flow meter with infra red reflection measurement
Comply with US Pharmacopeia Class VI requirements
Flow meter characteristics
High resolution, proportional to the flow
High chemical resistance
Splendid accuracy and repeatability
Can be used for opaque liquids
Pulse output free programmable
Technical specifications of the flow meter
All wetted parts made of Teflon® / PFA with Ruby bearing
High resolution, flow meter type 4.5 = 110.000 imp/litre
Infra red reflection flow measurement
Flow meter ranges in L/min: 0,06 - 2 / 0,5 - 20 / 1,5 - 40
Viscosity range: 0,8 - 10 mm² / Sec
Temperature range: -20 - +80º C
Operating pressure: 0 - 20 bar
Repeatability: less than 0,15%
Power supply: 5 - 30 Vdc 35 mA bij 5 Volt
Output signal: square wave
Enclosure: IP65
Connections: BSP / NPT / Hose
Flow meter options
Stainless steel for high pressure applications
Fiber-Optic cable for Eex enviroment
Disposable Click version with interchangeable flow tube
Disposable Flow meter
PFA/Teflon® Turbine Flow meter with infra red reflection measurement
Comply with US Pharmacopeia Class VI requirements
Flow meter characteristics
High resolution, proportional to the flow
High chemical resistance
Splendid accuracy and repeatability
Can be used for opaque liquids
Pulse output free programmable
Technical specifications of the flow meter
All wetted parts made of Teflon® / PFA with Ruby Bearing
High resolution, flow meter type 4.5 = 110.000 imp/ litre
Infra red reflection flow measurement
Flow tube can be sterilized up to 160º C
Flow meter range in L/min: 0,06 - 2 / 0,5 - 20 / 1,5 - 40
Viscosity range: 0,8 - 10 mm² / Sec
Temperature range: -20 - + 80º C
Operating pressure: 0 - 20 bar
Repeatability: less than 0,15%
Power supply: 5 - 30 Vdc 35 mA bij 5 Volt
Output signal: square wave
Enclosure: IP65
Connections: BSP / NPT / Hose
Flow meter options
Fibre-Optic cable for Eex enviromen
Standard version with fixed tube
Stainless steel version for high pressure applications
Stainless Steel Flow Meter
SS casing /PFA (Teflon®) turbine Flow meter with infra red reflection measurement
Flowmeter characteristics
High resolution, proportional to the flow
High chemical resistance
Splendid accuracy and repeatability
Can be used for opaque liquids
Pulse output free programmable
Technical specifications
All wetted parts made of Teflon® / PFA with Ruby Bearing / SS316L
High resolution, flow meter type 4.5 = 110.000 imp/ litre
Infra red reflection flow measurement
Flow range in L/min: 0,06 - 2 / 0,5 - 20 / 1,5 - 40
Viscosity range: 0,8 - 10 mm² / Sec
Temperature range: -20 - + 80º C
Operating pressure: 0 - 200 bar
Repeatability: less than 0,15%
Power supply: 5 - 30 Vdc 35 mA bij 5 Volt
Output signal: square wave
Enclosure: IP65
Connections: BSP / NPT
Flow meter options
Fibre-Optic cable for Eex enviroment
Custom made connections
Disposable Click version with interchangeable flow tube
Standard version with fixed flow tube
Flow and batch controller S601
The S601 is a professional, solid batch - and flow controller, that can be used as a monitor and/or totalisor.
The distinctive features are:
- the extremely simple operation
- the very attractive and compact design
- clear readible display
- audible buzzer
- various casings (synthetic, aluminium, stainless steel)
- RS232 serial gate (Profibus as option)
- PID control
- High accuracy by automatic lagging compensation
and adjustable damping factor
Flexible in applications
The requested configuration can be determined easily by selecting the pushbutton codes. After pushing the buttons in the selected code, the S601 is changed from batch controller into flow controller or monitor or vice versa.
Dosing system
The SDM dosing pump is able to perform accurate dosing of high-value liquids with the ability to register the dosing quantity automatically.
The patented E-Quant technology takes care of continuous control and adjustment of the dosing process with the ability of accurate registration.
Electronic accessories
As mentioned under the descriptions of the meters, there are 4 different electronic devices that can be used in your process using the output signals of the meters.
The accessories are:
6100 DA converter
6200 Flow controller
6500 Batch controller
6700 Infra Red controller
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Измервания на всички видове флуиди във всички отрасли на промишлеността, от металургията и енерегетиката до фармацевтичната и химическата индустрия, за лабораторни цели.
Всички видове измервателни прибори.
Дистрибуция на KEY Instruments и Brooks за Европа.
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