ЕЙ ЕФ СИ ЕООД  itemprop=


My name is Ivan Zdravkov. I have been working with graphic design and prepress for over eight years. During this time web design has become my passion and vocation.Web, graphic and prepress design freelancer.
ABOUT ME My name is Ivan Zdravkov. I have been working with graphic design and prepress for over eight years. During this time web design has become my passion and vocation. Today, I continue learning different techniques and technologies for deployment of web solutions in general. Svilen Kozhuharov and I created a small web lab - boxparadox.com in an effort to experiment with the emerging web technologies and offer them to our customers. MY PORTFOLIO Here are some recent sites that we have developed for our customers. Some of them are based on CMS systems - Drupal and Joomla. Other solutions are written entirely by us. Technologies which are used to create sites are HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript and MySQL. The programs I work with and help me to conceptualize my work are: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign- Adobe products.

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