Aqua Plus online store for pellet boilers, gas, electricity, liquid and solid fuel and combined.

Aqua Plus online store for pellet boilers, gas, electricity, liquid and solid fuel and combined.

Aqua Plus online store for pellet boilers, gas, electricity, liquid and
solid fuel and combined.
We were hired by Aqua Plus to upgrade an existing online store. The old online store did not meet
today's design requirements. The aim of the new online shop was to make choices for buying pellet
stoves, boilers and more, namely, via phones, and to enjoy a beautiful site through desktop devices.
Besides the new design, the online store includes all the latest techniques and requirements for good
SEO optimization and its better ranking .
The Online Store has an administrative panel for tracking received requests, as well as an easy way to
introduce new products and track the availability of all products from the online store.


Unique responsiv design 

Control management system


Used program languages

  • Html5
  • CSS3
  • php
  • javascript

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